Books that inspire my teaching

My dear friend and iTDi colleague, Ratnavathy Ragunathan, asked me to share a list of “must-read” books about ELT or teaching in general: books that have inspired me as a teacher. Well, she inspired me to create the following list. Some of these books I’ve read through and through on multiple occasions, and some of them I’ve skimmed for various reasons at different times in my life. I say this because she asked me for a “must-read list”, but I also suggest “must-skim” and “must-have-in-your-awareness-or-on-your-bookshelf”.


Rethinking culture

Rethinking education

Rethinking education and life (are they really that different?)

Rethinking emotions

Rethinking English

Rethinking TESOL and language teaching (and maybe teaching in general)

The Teacher’s Life

Teacher Training

Planning and Designing


12 thoughts on “Books that inspire my teaching

  1. Dear Josette,

    Now, that is surely a brilliant, brilliant list! Thank you very much for summing it all up for me. Looks like I’ve got a lot of reading to do!



    1. Ratna! Glad you found it useful. It was a lot of fun to put together. While doing this I realized a measure theme, which was fun: I don’t accept the status quo. Most books was about pushing myself to look through a different lens than the one I was raised with. It was an interesting and tangible glimpse into my psyche. Thanks for that!


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